Whether you are visiting or staying in Tairua, we have a fabulous range of weekly social, club and health events here for a variety of ages.
See the listings below to find out what events we have and how to book yourself in to one of our classes.
Every Wednesday 9am - 12pm held at Tairua Pauanui Fishing Club at the club rooms on The Esplanade, Tairua. Cost Annual Membership $25. Donation of $3 per visit for refreshments
book club (paradise book club tairua)
Last Thursday of the month at St Francis Hall. 7pm
Contact: Ellen. ellenjmanson@gmail.com
Every Monday from Noon at the Tairua Bowling Club (44 Hornsea Road, Tairua).
Contact Lynette Flowers: 0212524709
Care & Friendship Club
Every Tuesday from 10am - 1.30pm .
Contact Agnes Topham 0212938248 for further information.
coffee club
Tairua Golf Club. Every Tuesday morning at 10am
Entry is $3 which buys you a coffee. Make new friends
Contact Jenny Chalmers 02102265066
craft group
St Francis House, Main Road, Tairua
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
Contact Jean Myles 0212786820
Elim Church
Services held at The Community Hall every Sunday from 10.30 am. For more information, phone Marlene Prinsloo on 021 679 646 or visit their website.
focus group
Meets on the first Thursday of every month at 9.50am at Tairua Bowling Club,
44 Hornsea Road.
President: Edith Van Der Meer 0210563986
Secretary: Sally Davis 0211502667
Email: tairua.focus@gmail.com
Visitors are welcome
Garden Club
Every 2nd Monday of the month from 2pm - 4pm. Contact Diane Bruce - 07 864 9057
for further information or to book yourself into this group.
Held every Tuesday from 1pm at Tairua Pauanui Sports Fishing club on
The Esplanade, Mt Paku, Tairua.
Contact Shirley Haycock ph. 0272714710 or Karen Dockley ph. 0274408008
Indoor Bowls
Every Thursday from 1pm - 4pm.
Contact Joan Smith on 07 864 7738 for further information.
Music Club is every 2nd Tuesday. Contact John Fox on 027 494 4806 or email michaelandjohn7@gmail.com or Contact Mary Roest on 07 864 7498 for more information.
pilates classes
Tairua Rugby and Social Club
Friday Pilates Men Only at 8am - All welcome at 9am
Monday Pilates All welcome at 10.15am
pinnacles playgroup
Community run gathering for families with children under 5
Thursdays 9.30am - 11.30am
Held weekly during the term at Hikuai School Hall
Homemade morning tea provided.
Term and casual enrolments available for a koha.
CONTACT: Pinnaclesplaygroup@gmail.com Ph: 0212575044
Swiss Ball
We are a small group who like to keep fit and also have fun while we do it. You are welcome to come and try it out. We meet every Monday and Thursday at 8.30am for an hour. Contact Anita Prescott on 07 864 7850 or Pat Gilberd 07 864 8727.
44 Hornsea Road, Tairua
Opening Days and Hours:
Bowls Only: Wednesday 9am - 3pm & Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Meals: Friday 5pm - 8pm
The bowling club is available to hire. Please Contact Pam Sands
Ph: 07 864 8728 / 0211216004
tairua classic car club
Meet up for trips. Contact Paul Hodgman 021970191 for the dates of the next drive.
tairua golf & country club
283 Main Road, Tairua, Coromandel Peninsula.
ph: 07 864 8416 or Manager Paul McKiddie 02041472307
E: info@tairuagolf.co.nz Website www.tairuagolf.co.nz
The Tairua Golf and Country Club is located in Tairua township offers a challenging 18 hole golf course and four croquet lawns. Most of the holes on the golf course have spectacular views of either the harbour, the bush, the hills or the township. Tairua is located in the Coromandel Peninsula near Pauanui.
CLUB DAYS Tuesdays
February-April – 9 hole ladies 9am start, 18 Hole Mixed 9.30am, 9 Hole Men 10am
May-October 18 Hole Mixed 9.30am start followed by 9 Hole Ladies and Men
Thursdays - Mixed 10.00am for 10:30am start (all seasons)
Saturday - Mens 10.00am for 10:30am start (all seasons)
Golf clubs, trundlers and carts are available for hire. We stock basic range of golf accessories. The Club Bar is open Tuesday – Saturday. Bookings at : golf.co.nz
tairua market
Held on the 1st Saturday of each month. Tairua Community Hall 210 Main Road Tairua
9am - 1pm
If you would like to book a stall
Please contact Eve Roper at Tairua Information Centre
2 Manaia Road Tairua. Ph 078647575 or 0274797851 or email admin@tairua.co.nz
tairua rugby and sports club inc
Cory Park Domain
P O Box 92 Tairua, 3544, New Zealand
Club Contact: Derek Rope 0274780290
tairua writers group
Tairua Writers is a group for those with an interest in writing. Whatever the genre or ability, we share our work, our experiences in the writing world, our ideas and what we can learn from others.
We meet every 2nd Saturday mornings at 10am - 12pm at the St Francis House and every 4th Thursday evenings at 7pm. The venue is at a participants home. Contact Jenny Healey 0275518518 or email jenny@jennyhealey.nz
Upright And Active
Every Monday from 10.30am - 11.30am. Contact Joel van Doon on 07 864 9543 for further information or to book yourself into this class.
Yoga with Jill
Adults - Every Wednesday at 9.15am (Seniors & Beginners) &
Saturday at 8.30am - 9.30am.
Contact Jill Winter on 022 108 8067 for further information or to book yourself into one of these classes.
Yoga With Tina Raymond
Hatha Yoga Class every Tuesday 9 – 10.30am. 11 Laycock Road Tairua - $15.00 per person and beginners welcome. Contact Tina on 021 215 7980 for more information.
Yoga with Willow
Every Monday from 1pm - 2.30pm, Thursday from 10am - 11.30am.
Contact Willow on 027 640 1245 for further information or to book yourself into these classes.
zumba with nicola
Zumba classes at Tairua community hall Tuesdays 6.15pm and Thursdays 5.30pm
Contact Nicola Hartung on 0211398833 or Email Nicolahartung@gmail.com
zumba gold with theresa
Zumba Gold classes at Tairua community hall Tuesday mornings 9.15am
Contact Theresa Markham on 0275760602 or Email t.pmarkham53@gmail.com